Educational Loans

Educational Loans


For pursuing Post Graduation and/or Professional Courses with recognized Universities/Institutions in India or abroad.


Students having attained the age of majority.


Parents/Guardians to be surety to the loan. For loans up to 50,000/- and 2.00 lacs, for the wards of non-salaried, salaried parents respectively. No additional security required. Appropriate security will have to be offered for loans above Rs. 50,000/- or Rs. 2.00 lacs as the case be.

Term of Repayment

Maximum of 7 years (inclusive of moratorium period, which is required for completion of studies/course plus further 6 months.)

Loan Limits

Upto Rs. 10 lacs for studies in India

Upto Rs. 20 lacs for studies abroad.

Rate of Interest

12.5% p.a. at monthly rest

For further details about the scheme you may visit any of the Branches or call Branch Manager.


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